Tuesday 16 August 2016

Abdominoplasty - Tummy Lipo

Abdominal liposuction

This is also known as stomach liposuction. People go for this liposuction to get rid of the fat that accumulates in the stomach. This fat is stubborn in that it refuses to go despite the diet and exercise one takes.

For those who are looking for sexy, well sculpted tummy, then the abdominal liposuction is the way to go. The tummy lipo is one good option whereby the excess fat in the abdominal area is removed from the stomach. One can actually have the abs they have always desired for. Abdominoplasty wont stop you from gaining weight in the future so therefore, this procedure is not intended for weight loss. To learn more, check out this website to get in touch with one of the tummy tuck specialists in Sydney, Dr Laith Barnouti.

The success of the abdominal liposuction will largely depend on the location of the fat, amount of the abdominal fat and weight gain/ history factors. Let us look at how each of these applies.

 Location of the fat

If the fat is located where it is easy to access, then most of the fat will be removed and one will have desired shape in the abdominal area, free from the stubborn fat.

Amount of fat

The fat in the abdomen area matters a lot in the success of the procedure. For instance, if the fat is a lot, the surgeon will only remove to a certain extent of the fat. There will be some fat that will remain and this would mean a reduced rate of success. 

Note: Some people opt for Tummy tuck or also known as Abdominoplasty that targets the removal of stored belly fat. Tummy tuck is also a plastic surgery procedure that eliminates excess loose skin in the abdomen and tighten them. To learn more, check out - http://tummytuck-sydney.com.au/

The history of one’s fat gain and loss will also matter in that those with unpredictable gain or loss of the weight will have mixed results in a far as the abdominal liposuction goes.


Sunday 14 August 2016

Safe Fat Removal During Liposuction

Liposuction is effective in reducing body fat although this isn't a method of losing weight. The surgery is the best alternative to enhance the shape and contour of the body. The amount of fat that is removed during the surgery is limited depending on the weight of the patient. It is very important to tackle this concern to your selected liposuction surgeon for you to have a clear expectations.

How much fat should be removed per session?

Since liposuction can repeated several times until the right contours are achieved, there is a set limit for the amount of fat that can be removed per session. This in turn depends on whether we are talking about an office setting or in an operating room. Ready for your first consultation? Check out this webpage to get in touch with the liposuction surgeon expert now!

Fat loss in an office setting

If the surgeon is carrying out liposuction in an office environment, the limit should be capped at 5 litres. This is particularly so if the surgeon is using the laser lipo method.

Operating room 

Depending on the size of the patient, the limit here is bit higher, going to as much as 10 litres. However, the surgeon must be able to make a good assessment of the size of the patient before deciding on the amount of fat to be removed. Locate a nearest lipo specialist in your area to get started now!

Which method removes more fat?

When it comes to how much fat one can lose through liposuction, the type of liposuction matters. For instance, you will most likely lose less if you use traditional liposuction method. It is not a highly effective method of removing fat. Laser or ultrasound methods are superior to the traditional methods, hence will help to remove more fat per session.

What happens when you exceed the 5 litre limit?

If the limit of 5 litres per session is exceeded when using the traditional lipo or power assisted lipo, this could cause some adverse changes in people.

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Breast Implant Revision

Breast implant revisions are a common phenomenal in various surgery centers round the world. The reason they are done is that sometimes patients are not happy with the results of the initial surgery. Many a times, the surgery turns out to the unexpected. The patient is dissatisfied, depending on what they expected and what actually came. In such instances, there is need for revisions. If you are weighing your options about going for breast implant revision, there are a few things that you should out into perspective.

It wasn’t your fault

This is important to understand so that you don’t carry this fault tag to the revision surgery .In any case, the surgeon ought to be at fault for delivering less than desirable results. With this in hindsight, you will be keen when choosing the surgeon for the second surgery. The revision surgery offers you a good platform to correct the wrongs done in the first surgery and perfect surgery so that you can have the results you needed. The surgeon in the first surgery was inexperienced and hence did a shoddy job, now it is your turn to get a more experienced one. Hover over to this website to get an initial consultation with an experienced breast replacement surgeon in Sydney area.

Wrong size

If you did not get the right information on how to go about the correct size of the breast implants, chances are high that you will later develop complications calling for the revised surgery. It is possible that you were misled or misguided on the choice of the breast implant size. There is no need to worry about it because the second time, you should get an expert opinion on the size and the placement done right.

 Problems addressed by the revision surgery

Though we have seen how this situation can be remedied, it is equally important to look at issues that are addressed by the breast implant revision. Breast implant deflation is one of the foremost reasons why most women go for repeat surgery. As the name suggests, the breasts implant flattens out instead of filling out and taking the shape of the breast. This is a common problem in cases where by the size and placement is not done right.

MORE: Read this important fact sheet before going for a breast replacement surgery. Follow the link below to get started!


A poorly skilled surgeon will place the implant the wrong way in what is now referred to as Malposition. Many patients are agonized by the asymmetry presented by the Malposition and will obviously seek a second opinion on how this can be remedied. This is where breast implant revision comes in.

Capsular contraction is another problem brought about by poor insertion of the implants. They fail to sit well against the wall cavity. In this case, the capsule causes havoc, leading to the contraction.

Change in size is one of the main reasons where women seek a second opinion. You will find that though the results of the first we satisfactory, there are a section of women who feel that the breasts are smaller and probably do better with bigger ones. This is a condition known as boob greed in some circles and is a reason for the revision surgery.

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